Troublshooting Trace Files of DIAG Background Process
By Martin | December 10th, 2008 | Category: 10g, 11g, 9iR2, MetaLink, Oracle Database, Real Application Clusters | No Comments »In trace files of the background process DIAG, I saw an interesting section that I would like to share.
*** 2008-12-09 03:46:33.280
Dump requested by process [orapid=6]
REQUEST:custom dump [2] with parameters [6][27][4][2]
Dumping process info of pid[27.31384] requested by pid[6.31160]
ORA-00494: Message 494 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA; arguments: [ [CF]] [ (more than 900 seconds)] [inst
2, osid 31384]
enqueue holder: 'inst 2, osid 31384'
Process 'inst 2, osid 31384' is holding an enqueue for maximum allowed time.
The process will be terminated.
Oracle Support Services triaging information: to find the root-cause, look
at the call stack of process 'inst 2, osid 31384' located below. Ask the
developer that owns the first NON-service layer in the stack to investigate.
Common service layers are enqueues (ksq), latches (ksl), library cache
pins and locks (kgl), and row cache locks (kqr).
It is very nice of diag to tell me what to do with the output. 😉 Especially:
Ask the developer that owns the first NON-service layer in the stack to investigate.