Recyclebin Bug – ORA-600 [ktcdso-1] on Oracle
By Martin | March 4th, 2011 | Category: 11gR2, Bugs, MetaLink, Oracle Database | 2 commentsJust a short note:
If you are using and, chances are high that database stability is endangered because of massive ORA-600 [ktcdso-1], unless you have recyclebin deactived with init.ora recyclebin=off.
Oracle is currently working on this issue with Bug 10427260: ORA-00600 [KTCDSO-1], [], [], [] WHEN PURGE RECYCLE BIN.
Unfortunately, the instance has to be bounced in order to deactivate recyclebin.
Hi Martin,
Quick comment – the init.ora parameter RECYCLEBIN can be set to OFF with ALTER SYSTEM command – therefore, no need to bounce the database to de-activate recyclebin.
Hello Chandra,
unfortunately, alter system set recyclebin is static and needs an instance restart:
SQL> alter system set recyclebin=OFF;
alter system set recyclebin=OFF
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02096: specified initialization parameter is not modifiable with this
In our case, it was necessary to restart the instance to get rid of the ORA-600 Errors.
Best regards,